
Made in USA

how often do you see that the tag on the inside of your dress or pants? HARDLY EVER if EVER. well lately Michelle Obama's choice of non-american designers seems to be the hot topic. Both Oscar de la Renta and DVF have both voiced their opinions of Mrs.O's lack of choice of American designers!!buuuut I feel like this is kind of ..... ok I mean VERY hypocritical. Neither Oscar nor Dianne (yes I refer to them by their first names) were born in the united states (so maybe your countries feel as if you have traded them out to start your business in the u s of a) and coooome ooooon maybe the "design "or "sketches" were done in the united states but how many of those dresses were acutally made in the u.s.-the poor lately already gets criticized enough for what she wears, now she has to worry about where the threads were made too?!?!

I’m a proud USA citizen and wouldn’t change that for anything. but I don’t always look in my tags to make sure it says MADE IN AMERICA!!!

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